Thursday, April 12, 2007

groking REST

when designing a cache-able REST-ful implementation, two things are getting in my way:

- composers

- role-based security

i plan on tackling the composer issue first.


composers are resources (usually xhtml pages) that act as mini-aggregators of the underlying resources. for example, the home page of a blog site probably has the most recent two or three posts in full; a list of the last ten posts (in title/link form), a list of the site's blogroll and maybe other data. this resource is a composed document made up of other resources. how do i make sure that the home page is replayable, reliably ache-able, and easily updated as the underlying data changes?

serer-side composers

there are two basic ways to handle the composing pattern. the first is to complete the composition at the server and then deliver the resulting cache-able document to the client. this works fine, but updating the content of this cached document now gets a bit tricky. to make the cache as up-to-date as possible, any change to the underlying resources (blog posts, lists of posts, blog roll, etc.) needs to invalidate the home page resource cache.

client-side composers

the second method is to complete the composition on the client - usually via ajax-type calls. the advantage here is that the composer itself is fully cache-able and will alway honor the cache status of the all the underlying resources. the downside is that it assumes much more 'smarts' on the client (will this model work on cell phones? other devices?).

it is certainly possible to create cache dependencies for the home page that will honor changes to the underlying resources. but now this creates a new set of management routines to handle not just the caching, but also the compose dependencies.  another approach is to simply make the composer resources cache for a fixed time (5 minutes, etc.). this simplifies the cache management, but risks clients getting 'stale' home page documents.

my first approach will be to use the client-side composer model. this allows me to focus on keeping the underlying resource implementaion clean and cacheable for now. once i get the hang of that, i can focus on creating a workable server-side composer model that can be cached efficiently, too.

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