Saturday, April 21, 2007

major advance on the security side

i spent some time late last night and this am getting the next round of changes for the auth service. i now support a permissions model as well as a list of secured urls for the app.


now, when the request is first received, the server will check the user's permissions collection and match the permission record with the requested uri. that will return the list of allowed httpmethods for this uri. sweet.  no more pinging the roles within the actual controller code. this is all done 'under the covers' before the controller even sees the request.

Secure Urls

i also added a way control which urls require authentication. for example, you might be able to see the home page just fine, but need to log in before you can edit your blog. again, this is all controlled by a list of path regexp patterns. the system will find the first match and then return "true" or "false" on whether authentcation is required to continue.

also, this is done completely under the covers - no controller code needed.


also, when auth is not required, the system will automatically load the credentials for the "guest" account. this makes sure that every request as a set of valid credentials to work with. it also allows me to control the access for guests. again, they might be able to GET, but not POST, etc.


finally, i did some additional work on the session validation this am. now, i keep track of the session timeout (sliding value of 20 min for default). when the session has timed out, i refresh it (based on the existing 'old' cookie) and force a re-auth of the user. if this is a secured url, the user will be prompted again - nice. if it's a non-secure url, the guest account is refreshed quietly.


first, i am doing this all w/ basic-auth. not a big deal, i think but i still need to implement digest-auth sometime soon. i'm hoping it will be relatively trivial to and branching code for that.

second, since each url will be auth'ed as either the prompted user login or the "guest", it's not clear how i'll be able to know what user is actually doing what action - esp. in un-auth'ed situations. while - security-wise - this is no big deal (i'll always have a valid security context for each request), it will make loging and some personalization a pita. i think i need to salt the session cookie with some other info that will make it easy to know who is here. once a user is prompted for a login, i should store some identifying data in a cookie for easy access (both server- and client-side). another job to do...


yeah, i did a lot of caching this am, too. i cache the list of user permissions, the list of secured urls, the session cookie (for timeout purposes), and i also cache each authurl that has been requested. this should keep the looping to a minimum at runtime.

well, that's a lot for this weekend - at least on the infrastructure side. i would still like to fill out some UI and general user cases to make things look like a real app/web page.

dealing with composing the html is the next big hurdle. i would like to use xml/xsl - even xinclude. but i need to look carefully at performance an other issues. as usual, a solid javascript-powered ajax page would always work well.

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